Sunday 10th November 2024 saw Blue Dragon Taekwon-Do host the inaugural Interclub Tournament, where BDTKD clubs from Cheshire, Merseyside and Lancashire came together for a friendly and fun competition.
There were competitors ranging from White Belt right up to and including 5th Degree Black belt, all competing across 4 disciplines of Patterns, Sparring, Power & Special Technique, with some really impressive performances all round.

Congratulations to all our competitors on the day, you did fantastic, plus a big thank you to all the instructors, officials, parents and helpers who made the even possible.
We are really looking forward to 2025 events and celebrating not only Taekwon-Do’s 70th Birthday on 11th April, but also the 20th Birthday of Blue Dragon Taekwon-Do a day later on 12th April.